Wednesday, May 04, 2011

Goodbye April, Hello May!

Sure, some good things happened in April, but here is just a sampling of why I am happy to see it leave.  In fact, this sample represents one week, Saturday to Friday.

Saturday:  Had Mad's birthday party.  Struggled to pull it off.  Barely Managed with the help of several people, not really including my own mother.  Wrapped up the party with Mad having what seemed to be a seizure.

Monday:  Mad was unusually cranky and wild.

Tuesday:  The in-laws left.  That night Mad, Fynn and I were definitely coming down with something.

Wednesday:  Have to go to work.  I have no more sick time, and my work is balking at letting me use the Paid Family Leave that I qualify for.  Struggling to keep Fynnie's fever down, she ends up with the typical 24 hour dose of fever reducer.  In a one hour period (yes, under her doctor's care... half of it was given at her doctor's office).

Friday night:  Spent in a hospital emergency room with my son who was having "bad thoughts."  When he thought he might have to be admitted, the thoughts suddenly vanished and he was sent home with a list of numbers to call "if this ever happens again."  Turns out he hadn't been taking his medication regularly because of... *bigsigh* my mother's hygiene habits. 

That, my friends, was one week of my life.  I'm glad April is over.

Now that May is here, things are looking up.

Fynnie has started lifting her heinie a whole inch off the floor.  Yesterday she started scooting.  Okay, she goes backward, but she can do corners and turn all the way around.  She can also get that thing I keep moving out of her reach.

Two days ago she said her first word and it was MAMA!  Okay, it was Mama immediately followed by a raspberry (on five separate occasions, so clearly she has some strong feelings).  Go Fynnie, go!  And let's leave April in your dust!


mama to j and bean said...

April showers bring May flowers. See, you're off to a good start already. Hooray for scooting!!!

Bossy Betty said...

Yikes. Also, May only has three letters so it's much easier to spell.

Thinking of you. When the madness of school ends I am planning a long letter/

Emms said...

Oh no I'm glad you are all ok!

Yeah for movement.... watch out world here she comes!!

Anti-Supermom said...

Bummer for being sick and hospital stops.

And crawling... I'm. not. ready.

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